I hope that this web site will provide you with useful information about myself as well as the classes that I teach at Northeast Range School. I want you to know a little bit about me, why I love my job and why I am so passionate about art. 

 Art is more than just making a pretty picture. It can teach how to see. Art can change they way that you look at the world. Through teaching art history, art production and art criticism I hope to enlighten my students and discover more about themselves and the world around them. 

 I received a Bachelors of Fine Arts with a emphasis in Ceramics and a Secondary Art Education Licensure from Bemidji State University.  I started my teaching career for St. Louis County Schools in 1997 and worked within the district at: Orr School, Babbitt School, AlBrook School, Tower Soudan School and most recently Northeast Range School. 

 Please contact me with any questions via e-mail.

Contact: Ms. Susan Melgeorge